Course Progress


In this section you can access the activity pack. The resources have been developed with your delivery in mind. There are a mixture of activity booklets, informational posters and directories. 

  • Introduction to Hello Future
  • HE Explained: Qualifications Poster
  • Progression Routes Poster
  • Skills Log Booklet
  • Growth Mindset Activity Guide Booklet
  • Higher and Degree Apprenticeship Poster
  • Jargon buster Poster
  • Local directory 
  • Partner Information Booklet 

The resource pack can be found here.

To get the most of the activities, it is best to adapt them to the general running of your sessions. For example, if you normally have active sessions, young people may not be as interested in sitting down to fill in a formal workbook. In these scenarios, there are suggestions to make them more active – but you can use them however you think will work best.

Please see below some examples of the Activity Pack:



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