My first month at Hello Future has been interesting and varied, I’ve really enjoyed learning more about what we do and meeting the team.  

I started my role at the beginning of the Easter holidays, the quieter period meaning it was an ideal time to do my induction and learn about my responsibilities. On my second day I met most of the team in Carlisle for an operations meeting. It was great to see them in person and I felt welcomed by everyone.  

Over the past few weeks, I have been involved with lots of different projects. A large focus has been on social media and rebranding the website. I have enjoyed getting creative and making social media and blog posts. It’s also been interesting to see how the website works and update it myself.  

The other interns have been amazingly supportive and are always around to help if I have a question. It has been interesting to learn about the work they are doing with specific groups of students in Cumbria and rewarding to see the potential change our role can bring. Having whole team meetings has really helped my understanding on what each person’s role is and how we work to support each other. It’s been good to travel round the county for these; I particularly liked seeing the campus at Ambleside.  

I have really enjoyed going on my first trip, supporting Ben, to Myerscough college with groups from three different schools. The organisation from the college and the range of different activities they offered was impressive, and it was great to see the students getting involved. A highlight for me and the students was seeing all the different animals they have on campus, from chameleons to around thirty horses! 

Recently I have also done my first delivery, supporting Georgia in Barrow. Whilst I was nervous, having Georgia there as someone experienced in leading workshops helped a lot. There were also three sessions, so I had time to improve! The workshop was to encourage and help students think about their future career and point out resources to help them on the paths they were interested in. They had such varied career aspirations, and it was rewarding to be able to answer questions based off my own higher education experience and help point them towards where they could find out current information.  

With a busy few months coming up, I feel I have settled into the role well and am really excited for what’s to come.  


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