Since September 2017, Hello Future has been working in schools and colleges to support learners with their next steps and exploring the different opportunities available to them through higher education.

During this time, we have had the pleasure of working with a number of teachers & advisers.

We sat down with some of them to find out how the Hello Future programme has supported their work. 


From the activities your learners have taken part in, which do you feel have been the most useful/beneficial to your school/college curriculum?  

Student Finance sessions – very well received – myth busting interactive sessions which challenged pre-conceptions.  Huge benefit to all students and much needed in future

Supported visits to HEIs and Opportunity Fairs – through the Hello Future transport fund we have been able to take students to events which raise their awareness of HE opportunities.  The coach fare can be very costly and we will not be able to pay for as many trips if and when funding ceases.  Research has shown that the cost of travelling to Open Days and/or interviews is a barrier to many of our students regardless of age

Labour Marketing Information Sessions – students have enjoyed learning about the range of opportunities and potential earnings through these interactive sessions

Individual Mentoring- although we have not had desired uptake the students whom have engaged and have found these interventions beneficial

Has taking part in those opportunities impacted learner decision-making about their future?

Student feedback from all the events above have shown that the majority of students have had a positive impact on decision making

The trips to HEIs and Opportunity Fairs have allowed students who have not had chance before, to visit University campuses and gain a real insight into Higher Education.  After visiting Manchester Met University in February 2020 a student feedback that she had only considered more local HEIs but was including Manchester Met University on her UCAS application

The Labour Marketing Information sessions delivered in March 2020 received following feedback;

you have helped widen my knowledge”

“opened my eyes to the opportunities going on around me

Has being involved in the Hello Future programme had any wider impact on your school or college?

As described above all our students have been presented with excellent opportunities through the Hello Future programme to raise their self and opportunity awareness which then allows increased motivation to achieve their aspirations

Do you feel it’s important to have programmes like Hello Future working in Cumbria?

We want to see Hello Future continue to work collaboratively with our Progress groups to challenge students’ pre-conceptions

The programme should continue to offer same range of activities and work with all ages

What do you consider to be the main attributes that would make Cumbrian learners successful at HE/Degree Apprenticeships?

Emotional intelligence and resilience

Ability to communicate effectively with all ages

Networking skills

What do you consider to be the main barriers for Cumbrian learners to progress to HE/Degree Apprenticeships?

Access to professional and impartial one to one careers guidance for all Year 9-11 students

Familial pressure to follow a certain path and not take out a Student Loan

Lack of awareness of the opportunities

Lack of engagement

What advice would you give to young people thinking about continuing to higher education/training?

Utilise every learning opportunity available through Hello Future and College

Talk directly to those who have experienced HE/Training

Please use this space to add additional commentary about the relationship between your school/college and the Hello Future programme so we can best demonstrate the usefulness of the programme to our Cumbrian community.

We have an excellent working relationship with our local and regional Hello Future team.

Jack, Nicola and Jamie are well established within our College and they liaise with all our departments to ensure our students are receiving the most appropriate interventions.  No ask is too big and they are always willing to support our collaborative goal to increase positive destinations into HE and Training.  Thank you very much!


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