Rhys’ Story

17 years old, Carlisle

Where did you grow up?


What are you studying now?

Software Engineering at Carlisle College, and my employer is

Why did you decide on this subject?

I decided I wanted to go into this area because I’ve always had an interest in computers and I’d always wanted to learn to code and develop programs, so the next logical step for me was to take my hobby and turn it into a career.

Why did you decide on this college and employer?

I have previously done work experience at and once I had finished a week of working alongside developers and seeing how everything is done, they contacted me and asked if I wanted to come back as an apprentice once I had finished my exams.

What did you want to be as a child?

When I was younger I had always wanted to do something outdoors-related or science related.

How did you decide what to do after school / college?

The decision process for what I wanted to do after school was easy due to the fact I had been offered a position at

Did anyone help you to decide?

No one really helped me decide because I was happy with the opportunity that I was given.

Who influenced you?

I had always been interested in games and computers so when I was on them, I always wanted to make and build similar games and software. So, my hobby became an influence.

What’s the best thing about studying with your college and employer? What’s the best thing about your course?

The best part about being an apprentice is the fact that I learn techniques and skills which are applied to real-world situations when web developing. I also go to college, where I expand upon my knowledge of software engineering.

What are you looking forward to the most about finishing your apprenticeship?

I’m looking forward to having my qualifications and moving on to higher education to expand and improve on what I know so I become a better web developer.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?

wish to have a degree in computing and possibly working abroad doing computing or potentially doing some freelance.


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