Chloe’s Story

Macclesfield, Cheshire

What did you want to be as a child?

Radio presenter.

Current job title and employer:

Group Creative Solutions Executive, Bauer Media Group.

Degree course studied and college/university/employer studied with:

Television and Radio Production – The University of Salford.

Why did you decide on this subject?

I have always been creative since I was a child. I did not enjoy academic subjects and preferred studying art, drama, ICT, social science, dance and graphic design. I realised my skillset was more suited to a career in the creative industries.

Why did you decide on this college/university/employer?

I selected this university because it was local to my hometown and at the time, I wasn’t ready to move far away. I stumbled across work experience opportunities at Bauer Media through a leaflet I found at a university freshers fair. I started volunteering for Bauer Media right at the start of my first year at university alongside my studies. Tasks varied from promotional work, covering reception, charity work, making many cups of tea and much more. I knew these were not jobs I wanted to do as a career, however it gave me a foot in the door.

Volunteering turned into paid freelance work and eventually this turned into a full-time career opportunity. Bauer Media recognised my hard work and commitment and created a full-time role for me that was ready for when I graduated from university. This meant I had no stresses of trying to find work after graduation. I recommend all students to get in the door with a desirable company as soon as you start your first year at university. Just do your research and get in the door as soon as you can.

What was the best thing about studying at university and what was the best thing about your course?

I really enjoyed the social side of university. It developed me as a person, and I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today without this experience.

Has your career taken any unexpected turns? What were they?

I went into the industry wanting to become a radio presenter. This is a job I have always wanted to do since I as a child. I volunteered at countless radio stations, went to university, studied a relevant degree and graduated with a job as a professional radio broadcaster. My career took a turn when I realised that this is a job I do not enjoy. I was more passionate about everything that happens in the background of radio such as roles in departments such as production and commercial.

What happened after your degree? How did you get to be where you are now?

I worked hard since my first year at university and already had a full-time job lined up before I graduated.

Why did you decide to study for a degree?

I liked the idea of university and I knew the lifestyle would create many fun memories.

Did anyone help you to decide?

It was more my own decision. Sometimes my confidence lacked, and often found myself writing down affirmations that I am good enough and that I deserve this opportunity.

Who influenced you?

I influenced myself to go to university.

What support did you get?

Not much support, I wish there was as much support that is available now.

Did you find anything difficult about applying for and/or starting a degree? How did you get around this?

I found applying for university very overwhelming because we had little to no support. These days, there are so many Uni Connect channels (such as Hello Future) for students to access. I would recommend for learners to absolutely make the most out of this incredible support network.

Were there any key turning points in your journey into a degree, e.g. events or conversations?

There was a turning point when I realised, I need to work hard to achieve a career in the media industry. It is an extremely competitive industry, however if you are passionate you will be fine. University kept me grounded and helped me build a bulletproof mindset to never give up no matter what.

Any tips for anyone choosing to study your course?

Do it! It was the most rewarding experience. There is a growth of exciting job opportunities opening up in the media industry. You would not believe what kind of jobs exist in this industry. You can now get paid to create memes – yes please!

What advice would you give to someone from your area?

There is nothing wrong with studying at a university near your hometown. I lived in halls and I still had the full university experience. I would just say relax and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to move far away. University is already overwhelming as it is.


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